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Government audits

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Mexican law establishes that all establishments with a sanitary license such as: importers, producers, marketers and holders of sanitary registration shall be subject to verifications by the sanitary authority through a verification unit.


The audit is annual or surprising, in this process they will check that the warehouses and registered products comply with the current regulations.
As an agency we provide this service to our clients, directing and scheduling government audits, having all documents in order to comply with said processes.

We have experience to solve all verifiable points, since from the beginning we try to have warehouses and products within the framework of the law.

Contact Us / Contactanos

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Av. Santa Fe 94, Torre A, Piso 8, Col Zedec, Delegación Álvaro Obregón, Ciudad de México. C.P. 01210

Tel. + 52 558 031 74 49

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